Meet Michelle In Wimbledon!

Michelle will be signing books on Saturday the 18th June at Wimbledon Fair, in the Bookshelf tent from 12 noon until 12:45pm. If you are in the London, area, do come along and say hello – and MAKE SURE to say you’re a Clan member!

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The Biggest News This Year!

After months of speculation, we can finally tell Clanners that yes – there WILL be another BIG series by Michelle – and it will be published by Puffin Books! The new series will be called GODS AND WARRIORS. It’s set during the Bronze Age in the Mediterranean, and Michelle has already begun work on it.…

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Spooky ClanCast – The DARK MATTER Video Contest!

How about this… it’s Halloween… this is the THIRTEENTH ClanCast… and it’s all about the videos for Michelle’s new ghost story, DARK MATTER! Spooky, or what? Come with us as Admin takes his life into his hands as he intrepidly ventures into the heart of Michelle’s British publishers… where he finds the actually very friendly…

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The Guardian Children’s Fiction Prize

We won! WE WON!!! Join us to experience last night’s events at the Guardian Children’s Fiction Prize, Britain’s most prestigious prize for children’s authors. As the excitement mounts, we speak to last year’s winner and judge Mal Peet, as well as other authors, readers and agents. Admin is not exactly an impartial observer tonight! Michelle…

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Important News About The Wolf Brother Movie

As you know, we’ve made a commitment to the Clan to try to make sure that you always are the first people to know about important news concerning Michelle and her work. And as many of you know, in addition to being “admin”, I’m also her agent. So I want you to be the first…

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Virtual Museum Open!

The Clan’s Virtual Museum is Open For Entries! It’s going to be a long hot summer of fantastic competitions here in The Clan. Starting today, we’re inviting entries for THE CLAN’S VIRTUAL MUSEUM. And on August 13th, we’ll be launching our biggest ever contest –asking you to do a video remix of the hot new…

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It’s All In The Box!

All six adventures in Michelle’s Chronicles of Ancient Darkness will be coming together on November the 4th… in an exclusive edition limited to 1000 copies only. All copies are signed by Michelle and the production values are lavish! The publisher’s price is an imposing £100… but if you search online, you can find the complete…

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