Welcome to the new Clan – jointheclan.com

Work is still going on behind the scenes and it’s fairly non-stop, but we’d like to take the time to welcome Clanners to the new-look website for The Clan. Here is a list of major changes:

  • The URL is now jointheclan.com!
  • The homepage is different.
  • We have launched two new features, a book recommendations section and our very own Virtual Museum, which has a huge number of entries!

Here’s what hasn’t changed:

  • Your login name, password, and settings are still the same.
  • The threads have been preserved as completely as possible, apart from a few days between databases. It is entirely possible to copy and paste your posts from torak.info to jointheclan.com.

We know there are still some problems to be ironed out, so please do post problems that you find in the Beta testing forum. Do check that someone else hasn’t already posted a thread with the same issue.

In the meantime, please do continue to be patient with us as we work through the teething problems of implementing this new design on the website and forum. We hope to see you posting here on jointheclan.com.

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