Clan Week 2011!

The following is a very important message from GlowingWolfEyes:

Did you ever think The Clan couldn’t get any more fun? That it is simply the best site on the entire Internet, and that nothing could ever improve it?


Believe it or not… You were wrong.

Because for one whole week, from Monday 24th October — Sunday 30th October, The Clan will be transformed… Into a place filled with so much fun, you won’t know what’s hit you!

Awards, games, competitions, prizes, a treasure trail, and a whole lot of laughs… all these await you on…

CLAN WEEK! A week dedicated to celebrating the wonderful place that is: The Clan!

And, to make things even more unusual, it’s being organised by clanners themselves! All the ideas, themes, and games, have been thought up by a small group of clanners, dedicated to giving their friends on the clan an amazing week!

Don’t miss it!


  1. tiberius on October 20, 2011 at 5:22 pm

    Ive been extremely wrapped up in toraks world for a while now. i just started on oath breaker and found out theres a sixth book! so ive got a couple of questions. like when is the 6th book coming to the US? and how do i get ahold of michelle? ive wanted to give her so much feedback on the books. but i have no idea how to. i hope you can help PLZ & THX!!!!!!

  2. TheHiddenSpirit on October 26, 2011 at 8:05 pm

    When will the events begin?

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